Guide FloatChat

Floatchat- User Guid

Two-Factor Authentication

1. Introduction

In today’s digital world, protecting your data from intruders or hackers is essential. This can be achieved through good security measures. Using a strong password does help you in maintaining a safe digital life. Still, sometimes a strong password can also be easily cracked by hackers.

Floatchat Two-factor authentication is implemented for the protection of the user’s credentials and the resources the user can access.


Go to Profile > Account settings > Password settings – Authentication mode.

Two factor Authentication

2. Based on the entitlement, you could see an option for a password with 2FA in the dropdown menu.

3. After selecting it, 4 blank boxes will appear to enter the OTP, sent on your associated email id.

4. Click on ‘Save’. 

5. You will be asked to set a secondary password for your account

Two factor Authentication

6. You can always change the password by clicking on the OTP button and verifying your account.

7. Now Two-factor authentication is enabled for your account.

Go to Profile > Account settings > Password settings – Authentication mode.
2. Based on the entitlement, you could see an option for a password with 2FA in the dropdown menu.
3. After selecting it, 4 blank boxes will appear to enter the OTP, sent on your associated email id.

4. Click on ‘Save’. 

5. You will be asked to set a secondary password for your account

6. You can always change the password by clicking on the OTP button and verifying your account.

7. Now Two-factor authentication is enabled for your account.


Once your two-factor authentication is enabled, in order to log in to your account you need to follow these steps:

1. Enter your email address and password

Verification 1 (1)

2. If the password entered is correct, an OTP will be sent to the email address which is associated with your Floatchat account.

3. Along with that, a textbox would appear to enter the OTP.

4. If the OTP entered is correct, you would be able to log in to your account

Once your two-factor authentication is enabled, in order to log in to your account you need to follow these steps:

  1. Enter your email address and password
    2. If the password entered is correct, an OTP will be sent to the email address which is associated with your Floatchat account.

    3. Along with that, a textbox would appear to enter the OTP.
    4. If the OTP entered is correct, you would be able to log in to your account

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