Guide FloatChat

Floatchat- User Guid

Retarget Broadcast

1. Introduction

Based on Sent, Delivered, Read statistics or the buttons customer has clicked on, You can retarget them using the retarget broadcast button. Your target channel must be WhatsApp only.

This is available under Broadcast > Analytics > View Broadcast

Retarget Broadcast (1)

 You can select/unselect the boxes depending on which conditions you want to retarget the customer and it’ll create a target segment based on your selection.

Once you click on the ‘Next’ button, it’ll take you to the create a broadcast page. Wherein your ‘target segment’ would be selected by default.


Create New Broadcast (1)

You can select the ‘Send Now’ option to instantly send the broadcast or else you can schedule it. This option allows you to define a set schedule for when you want the broadcast to be initiated/published. You could publish a broadcast as a one-time or recurring occurrence. If recurring you can opt to select the frequency and the time period during which the broadcast will continue to be active

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