How to setup WhatsApp notifications
WhatsApp notifications
Go to Settings, select Integrations, and click on Shopify.

In Shopify, go to Settings and enable WhatsApp notifications.

Now, you need to create WhatsApp templates for these use cases.
What are WhatsApp template messages
Businesses can send business-initiated messages or template messages to WhatsApp users When sending template messages, you are required to use a pre-approved message template, which can be text-based, media-based, or interactive
How to add and get WhatsApp templates approved?
Login to your WhatsApp account and follow the below steps –
- Go to the Templates section and click on Add Template
- Add the template name and select category, language, and template type.
- Depending on the template type, you can configure the message. For standard type templates, you can add a text message and send it for approval. For media and interactive, you can configure the header, body, and footer and add buttons as well. Header, footer, and buttons are optional fields.
- The header can be a text, image, video, or document.
- In the body, you can add your text message and emojis and also define variables (e.g name, IDs, codes, etc. which would not be a static text)
- Footer can be used to add a small note, company name, or signature.
- Buttons can be a CTA, redirecting users to a page on your website (you can add variables here as well) or a quick reply button, leading to a user journey.
- Once you have your template created, click on Preview and Submit
- In the Preview screen, you can see what your message would look like. If you have added variables or media in your template messages, you need to add sample values. For media URLs, you can add the image, document, or video in Floatchat Send Image, Send Document or Send Video node respectively. Here, you’ll get a URL generated which you can add to the sample values