Guide FloatChat

Floatchat- User Guid

Creating your first bot

1. Introduction

To create your first bot click on ‘Create your first bot’ once you register or log in. There is a short wizard that guides you through the bot creation process.

Creating your first bot

2. Bot creation

2.1 Clicking on the ‘Create your first bot’ button opens up a modal box – ‘Create bot’. Provide a bot name for reference and click on ‘Create bot’.

Creating your first bot

2.2 In the next step, multiple templates for the user journeys are displayed for selection. Pick one to kickstart your bot creation journey. If you are unsure or would like to start with a blank canvas start with ‘Blank Bot Canvas’ and click on ‘Create Bot’ to finalize the bot creation

Creating your first bot

3. Customize your bot

Once a bot has been created, you will be navigated to the Bot Overview page which provides guidance on the next steps. The remaining steps are as follows:

  • Building conversational flows – Click on Build conversational flows or navigate to Build on the left nav menu to customize or create user journeys as paths
  • Training the bot – Navigate to the Train section on the left nav menu to add FAQ, entities, and documents for cognitive search. The bot references the FAQ and documents as knowledge & responds to incoming user inquiries
  • Deploying the bot – Build once and deploy across 15+ channels with a simple deployment process. Navigate to Configure > Deployment to deploy your bot.
Creating your first bot

Once a bot has been created, you will be navigated to the Bot Overview page which provides guidance on the next steps. The remaining steps are as follows:

  • Building conversational flows – Click on Build conversational flows or navigate to Build on the left nav menu to customize or create user journeys as paths
  • Training the bot – Navigate to the Train section on the left nav menu to add FAQ, entities, and documents for cognitive search. The bot references the FAQ and documents as knowledge & responds to incoming user inquiries
  • Deploying the bot – Build once and deploy across 15+ channels with a simple deployment process. Navigate to Configure > Deployment to deploy your bot.
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