Guide FloatChat

Floatchat- User Guid

How to set up Instagram Automation

Post Automation -

Post Automation

What do you have to do?

Insert the product URL in between ##URL# as shown in the picture above.

What end-users will experience?

Comment reply – Thank you for the comment. Please check your DM for more details.

  • DM reply – Thank you for the comment. For more details, you can check the product details here – <Product URL>

Story Automation

Story Automation (1)

What do you have to do?

Insert the product tag in between ##tag# as shown in the picture above.

What end-users will experience?

  • DM reply – Thank you for the comment. For more details, you can check the product details here – <Product URL>
  • DM reply (if URL is not included in the caption) – Thank you for your comment 🙂
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